"Get on the CannaBus"


Heard of the @NJWeedMan or his campaign #SellingWeedLikeImWhite? Well now’s the time to get on Ed Forchion’s CannaBus! As we sprout Victory Patch in service to the legal marijuana home growing, its crucial to focus on the patients, farmers and business people left out in the cold when it comes to cannabis opportunity. That’s what 30 Year activist Ed Forchion is doing!

Read the Press Release Here: Veteran Marijuana Activist Ed Forchion aka NJWeedman Launches "Get on the CannaBus," A New Instagram Live Series to Highlight His Ongoing Acts of Civil Disobedience and Protest in New Jersey

Veteran Marijuana Activist Ed Forchion aka NJWeedman Launches "Get on the CannaBus," A New Instagram Live Series to Highlight His Ongoing Acts of Civil Disobedience and Protest in New Jersey

"Get on the CannaBus" will galvanize support for Forchion's current act of civil obedience which he has championed with the hashtag campaign "#SellingWeedLikeImWhite."

Website: https://www.njweedman.com/

Twitter: @NJWeedMan

Instagram: @NJWeedMan


BOOK: At Home With Cannabis by Kelly McQue


Let Patients Grow NJ #JeffsLaw