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Victory Patch Monthly Bulletin
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We will be offering paid memberships to join the Victory Garden Club so you can gain access to valuable education, invite only events, discounts and more. Every paid membership support the cause!
$7 month
Victory Circle - Grow the Cause
Valuable Discounts: 25%-50% off
Invite Only Pre-Orders:
Seeds & Plants
Victory Patch Monthly Bulletin
Ask Patch - Get an evaluation of how your patch is growing!
$63 Yearly/ (25% off)
Victory Circle - Grow the Cause
Valuable Discounts - 25%-50% off
Invite Only Pre-Orders:
Seeds & Plants
Victory Patch Monthly Bulletin
Ask Patch - Get an evaluation of how your patch is growing!
What People Are Saying
“ I love you all so much! Thank you for this moment of light and joy today.”
— Caesare A.
“Wanted to thank you guys for running a great program! Have really enjoyed cultivating these little plants in my garden. Attaching a couple pics as requested in the email flyer yesterday. I rope my 2 year old into helping me to water them haha.”
— Matt M.
“What's up Victory Patch Team! Just wanted to share my plant selfies and say thanks again!”
— Melanie T.
“This program is so rad! you guys put a ton of effort in and it shows! see ya in croptober lol.”
— Mark N.
“Thank you guys for getting this going. Looking forward to a bountiful harvest!!!!”
— Tim C.
“Just sending gratitude and thanks to the Victory Patch team! My ladies are growing strong”