Stay Vigilant: Many in “Big Weed” Against Home Grow
Stay vigilant folks and make no mistake - many cannabis industry organizations DO NOT support your right to grow at home!
BOOK: At Home With Cannabis by Kelly McQue
At Home with Cannabis: How to Make and Use Cannabis Products Safely and Effectively at Home
"Get on the CannaBus"
Heard of @NJWeedMan or the campaign #SellingWeedLikeImWhite? Well now’s the time to get on Ed Forchion’s CannaBus!
Let Patients Grow NJ #JeffsLaw
Let Patients Grow NJ is a website, forum and action platform established to unify in support of compassionate home grow legislation.
Transplanting & Intense Sun Exposure
A Victory Patch member submitted a photo of their cannabis plant. They suspected something was going on and decided to Ask Patch.
CBD Herbal History from the Archives
Patching way back to 2011, we found an enriching and historically important edition of The O’Shaughnessy’s Reader
Ensuring Plenty of Patches Proliferate
A bit of cannabis legalization history and one of the best tools available for understanding state-by-state laws and history
Lettuce Get Into The Weeds
It’s a no brainer folks! The Marijuana Policy Project makes the case for the home cultivation. Great talking points for the next family gathering :)